Lab Systems Support

Main Content

OZM Research - distribution and service support
Drawell scientific instrument - distribution and service support
Scion Instruments - service support
Varian - service support
Cecil - service support
ELGA, CEM - service support for instruments produced before 2015
LGC, BAM, Fluxana, Seronorm, Spectrolamps, Maassen... - distribution



Explosive, propellants and hazardous matterials testing equipment, explosion and detonation chambers


Everything for latboratories from furniture, small aparatus such as heaters, phMeter, pippete, shakers, balances, vortex, oven, incubators, centrifuge, refrigerators... to complex spectroscopy and chromatography equipment


Chromatography (ferrules, septum, liners, syringe, filters, ...), Spectroscopy (Hollow cathode, deuterium, tungste, Xenon, spectral lamps), vacuum pumps spares and service...


Wide range of certified laboratory standards for all kind of analysis